OK, so as I am reading some of my friends' blogs, I notice that I haven't added one myself since January....
So since then, Addison celebrated her first Easter as I did my first Mother's Day. We took on the never ending task of remodeling our kitchen...I must say that I thought it would never get finished...but I must say that it looks FANTASTIC! During the remodel, we moved in with Benjamin's parents for what I hoped would only be a month and ended up taking two. My whole goal was to get back in our house before Addi's first birthday...we did! Two days before ;-)
Addison started talking up a storm! She is now saying "Mama, Dada, Papa, Casey, Emma, Eat, Out, Night-Night, Diaper...and many more! She is growing so much and is very interested in her surroundings. She is constantly watching everything and everyone around her and trying to make sense of what she sees. There are many times I just sit and watch her in awe, it is so hard to believe that a year ago, I was holding a helpless newborn and now she is running around and talking. I am thankful each and everyday for the chance I was given and the blessings that I have in my life...I couldn't ask for more.