
About Me

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Brunswick , Georgia, United States
I am a child of God, a wife and mother. I have been truly blessed with a wonderful and loving family; they made me who I am today. I have meet some great friends over the past few years, and without them, I wouldn't have made it though some of the hardest times in my life. I decided to start this blog because there are so many things that I want to share with those that I love. From the smiles that I get from my beautiful children each morning, to times where I can't seem to get out of bed. Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Your Temple

Three weeks ago, our church launched a series that helped us look deeper into the body that God created. Are we treating our bodies like the temple he created? Are you taking care of your health so that you can do his work when he calls for you? Are you showing appreciation to the owner of all things including the body you live in?  The answer was difficult for me to answer. I had never looked at by health to see if it glorified God. I have had two children, eaten WAY too many cupcakes, became addicted to sugar, and found Pinterest over the past 6 years. My body look nothing like a temple to be proud of. I was embarrassed to call my body a temple for God. I knew then that something had to change.

I know, you think I shouldn't blame Pinterest for my unhealthy lifestyle.... but how many of you had the original though of wrapping cookie dough around an Oreo or brownie? huh? or... the 99 BILLION ways to make cheese dip "to die for"? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Pinterest. I just didn't use it in ways that helped my health, nor my budget..but that is a different story.

Back to the health series.... So to kick our butts into gear and stir up our competitive nature, The Biggest Winner contest was introduced. Participants were selected to represent the 4 different services and were given a coach for 5 weeks. Each team weighs after each of their service times and totals are recorded.
Being selected for this opportunity was very exciting and motivating. I had extra weight that I had been carrying around for a long time and I felt trapped in  the body that I was living in. I really started looking at the way I was treating the temple God created and realized that he deserved better.

Our team began training with our coach multiple times each week and I started a clean eating meal plan. OMG...I was not happy with this meal plan. No sugar, No dairy (CHEESE), No wheat products, No coffee and many other yummy goodies that I have been downing for the past 6 years. I didn't know how I would survive! What do you eat if you can't have cheese?!

It took a few days of crying and complaining about the things that I would have to give up before I realized that this was nothing compared to what God gave up for me. The whole point of this experience is for us to better ourselves and to develop a better relationship with our creator. What better way than to give up the things that you crave and "feel" like you need? My mindset quickly changed so that instead of this being a "diet," it was a fast. One that I can tell you has brought me much closer to our loving God.

My communication with God has increased drastically. It started out as prayers of strength, and encouragement and turned into thankfulness, appreciation for this opportunity and his ability to open our eyes to so many things that we were blind to.

So, as we are starting week three, I look back at my "before" picture I took when I started going to the gym in October. Not only can I see a smaller person, I see a woman who has changed her outlook on her health, and a woman who is proud of the temple God created for her.

In the past two weeks, I have lost 9 pounds and 1 pant size.
Since October, I have dropped 18 pounds and 3 pant sizes.
I am working up the nerve to share pictures of my success...I'm not there yet. Stay tuned!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

New International Version (NIV)

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