
About Me

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Brunswick , Georgia, United States
I am a child of God, a wife and mother. I have been truly blessed with a wonderful and loving family; they made me who I am today. I have meet some great friends over the past few years, and without them, I wouldn't have made it though some of the hardest times in my life. I decided to start this blog because there are so many things that I want to share with those that I love. From the smiles that I get from my beautiful children each morning, to times where I can't seem to get out of bed. Enjoy!


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

4 going on 14

It is official... I feel old. Addison turned four years old yesterday and I still can't wrap my head around it.

Seriously, look at that face! I find myself looking and studying her every second I get. Most of the time, it ends with her saying, "Mama, why are you looking at me all the time?" I have to follow it up with, " I don't want you to grow up!" She then goes on with her life like I'm one of the biggest dorks she has ever met. 
She has been one of the greatest blessings that God has given us. She is incredibly smart, beautiful and thoughtful...most of the time. Every now and again she turns into this evil being that scares the hell out of me. 
She has developed a new "trick" when she is getting in trouble. It is pure genius. As my anger is boiling to its maximum capacity, she starts making this completely fake looking "surprised/scared" face. I'm talking about the one where her eyes triple in size, her lips stretch back as far and they can go and her whole body is leaning backwards until she is about to tip over. She is trying her hardest to break my concentration. She knows that once she breaks it, she is good. The problem with works most of the time! As soon as she starts this, my angry boiling pot starts to decrease in temperature. I then begin trying to fight the smile and laughter that is banging to get out. I only have two choices at this point...give in and laugh or send her to her room. Most of the time, she goes to her room, but there are a few times when I can't find the power to fight back the smile. 
Even with her evilness, she is still one of the sweetest little girls I know. Her heart is so big and beautiful it puts mine to shame sometimes. 

She also surprises me with her kindness...

A few weeks of being here in Brunswick, I picked up the kiddos from daycare not knowing what God was about to teach me. The Boston bombing reports had been all over the media, people were posting horrific statuses, responses, and pictures of what was going on. I was heartbroken and sad for the lives lost, injured and for those who began to put out hateful messages about the bombers and what should happen to them. There were times when I would get on Facebook and the only thing I saw were awful pictures of bodies, blood and smoke. 
In the midst of all the sadness,hate, and discouragement that was going on in the world at that time, Addison became a beautiful ray of sunshine. After I picked up my children from daycare, we were stopped in traffic at a light. While waiting to turn, I noticed a woman sitting on the ground with a sign that read, "homeless & HUNGRY...anything will help" the first thought in my head was "We'll, she does have something to drink...Just don't look at her... Why did the light have to be red?....list continues. Until I looked behind me and saw my daughter looking at this woman. I then felt quilt over the fact that this woman was a human in need (regardless of her story and decisions) a human who needed anyone's help. I looked around my car for anything to give to her. The only food items other than old French Fries and broken crackers were a pack of animal crackers and a yummy looking Russell Stovers pure chocolate Easter bunny that was given to Addison by my cousin. I turned to her knowing that I had to explain what I was about to do in the seconds before the light turned green so that she would understand why I was about to give away her treasure."Addison, there is a lady who needs our help, she is hungry and doesn't have any food. We are going to give her these crackers and this bunny." The look in her eyes of terror confirmed that she did not want to loose this delicious treat, but her face suddenly changed. "Ok, Mommy" was all she said.
After giving the woman the food, I pulled off and headed home. Ok, here comes the "sunshine" part...."Mommy, I want to pray for that lady. I want to pray that God gives her someone to take care of her. You remember that Adam was sad and alone and needed someone to take care of him? God made him Eve...I will pray that God makes someone who will help that lady."

I am truly thankful for the blessing of this little heart that I get to learn from every day. It amazes me how much a child can teach us. ... To simply pray and to know he will provide, simply pray.

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